Wiki source code of Migration

Last modified by Guillaume Fenollar on 2009/02/20 11:34

Show last authors
1 1.1 Import Page
3 <%
5 import com.xpn.xwiki.*;
6 import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.*;
7 import com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.packaging.*;
8 import*;
9 import com.xpn.xwiki.util.Util;
12 finalPageName = ""
13 exception = ""
15 def updateDoc(String newname, String xml, String type, XWikiContext context) {
16 try {
17 def fdoc = new XWikiDocument()
18 fdoc.fromXML(xml);
19 if (newname=="")
20 newname = fdoc.getFullName()
21 def prevDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument(newname, context);
22 def prevArchive = prevDoc.getDocumentArchive();
23 if (prevDoc.isNew()||((type!="NOOVERVERSIONS")&&(type!="NOOVERNOVERSIONS"))) {
24 // We need to verify the document has the right name
25 // Otherwise we might override something we don’t expect
26 if ((newname!="")&&(fdoc.fullName!=newname)) {
27 fdoc = fdoc.copyDocument(newname, context);
28 }
29 finalPageName = fdoc.getFullName()
31 if (type=="ADDVERSION") {
32 fdoc.setDocumentArchive(prevArchive);
33 context.getWiki().saveDocument(fdoc, context);
34 if (prevDoc.isNew()) {
35 fdoc.resetArchive(context);
36 }
37 return 1;
38 } else {
39 def pack = new Package()
40 if ((type=="NOOVERVERSIONS")||(type=="OVERVERSIONS"))
41 pack.setWithVersions(true)
42 else
43 pack.setWithVersions(false)
44 pack.setBackupPack(true)
45 pack.add(fdoc, 0, context)
46 return pack.install(context)
47 }
48 } else {
49 return -1000;
50 }
51 } catch (Throwable e) {
52 exception = e.getMessage()
53 return -2000;
54 }
55 }
57 if (request.get("filename")!=null) {
58 %>
59 <script type="text/javascript" src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("js/xwiki/importer/import.js", true)"></script>
60 <form action="" method="post">
61 <input type="hidden" name="filename2" value="${request.filename}" />
62 <span id="selectDocsActions">
63 <a href="javascript:void()" onclick="selectItems(’selCheckedDoc’, false); return false;" class="Exportlink">Unselect All</a>,
64 <a href="javascript:void()" onclick="selectItems(’selCheckedDoc’, true); return false;" class="Exportlink">Select All</a>
65 </span>
66 <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
67 <%
68 def file = new File(request.get("filename"));
69 def zipfile = new ZipFile(file);
70 def counter = 0;
71 def time1 = new Date()
72 for(zipentry in zipfile.entries()) {
73 filename =
74 if (!filename.equals("package.xml")) {
75 counter++;
76 %>
77 <tr><td><input class="selCheckedDoc" type="checkbox" name="file_${counter}" value="${filename}" checked />${filename}</td></tr>
78 <%
79 }
80 }
82 def time2 = new Date()
84 %>
85 <td>Type:</td><td>
86 <input type="radio" name="type" value="NOOVERVERSIONS" checked /> Do Not overwrite with versions
87 <input type="radio" name="type" value="NOOVERNOVERSIONS" /> Do Not overwrite without versions
88 <br />
89 <input type="radio" name="type" value="ADDVERSION" /> Add version
90 <input type="radio" name="type" value="OVERVERSIONS" /> Overwrite with version
91 <input type="radio" name="type" value="OVERNOVERSIONS" /> Overwrite without versions </td>
92 </tr>
93 <tr>
94 <td colspan="2" align="center">
95 <input type="hidden" name="counter" value="${counter}" />
96 <input type="submit" name="Preview" />
97 </td>
98 </tr>
99 </table>
100 </form>
101 <%
103 def dur = time2.getTime() - time1.getTime()
104 println "* Duration: $dur"
105 } else if (request.get("filename2")!=null) {
107 def file = new File(request.get("filename2"));
108 def zipfile = new ZipFile(file);
109 def maxcounter = Integer.parseInt(request.counter)
110 def counter = 1;
111 def total = 0;
112 while (counter<=maxcounter) {
113 def filename = request.get("file_${counter}")
114 if (filename!=null) {
115 total++;
116 def zipentry = zipfile.getEntry(filename)
117 if (zipentry==null) {
118 println "* Error while getting file named ${filename}"
119 } else {
121 def is = zipfile.getInputStream(zipentry)
122 def xml = new String(Util.getFileContentAsBytes(is))
123 def type = request.get("type");
124 def ret = updateDoc("", xml, type, context.context);
126 if (ret < 0) {
127 if (ret==-1000)
128 println "* Document for filename ${filename} already exists and overwrite was not specified.";
129 else if (ret==-2000)
130 println "* Document for filename ${filename} could not be imported with exception (${exception})";
131 else
132 println "* Document for filename ${filename} could not be imported with error ${ret}.";
133 } else {
134 println "* Document for filename ${filename} has been imported properly: [${finalPageName}]."
135 }
136 }
137 }
138 counter++;
139 }
140 println "* Finished importing ${total} documents"
141 } else {
142 %>
143 <form action="" method="post">
144 <table border="0">
145 <tr>
146 <td>File to read from:</td><td><input type="text" name="filename" size="60" /></td>
147 </tr>
148 <tr>
149 <td colspan="2" align="center">
150 <input type="submit" name="Preview" />
151 </td>
152 </tr>
153 </table>
154 </form>
155 <%
156 }
157 %>
161 ##<%
162 ##if (request.migrate == "1") {
163 ##def f = new File("/var/tmp/btsbatiment2/")
164 ##println "START"
165 ##println "" + xwiki.getPlugin("package")
166 ##pkg = xwiki.getPlugin("package").getPackage()
167 ##pkg.readFromDir(f, context.context)
168 ##pkg.install(context.context)
169 ##}
170 #%>